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6 Ways to Help Prevent Alzheimer’s

You can reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s by making simple, healthy lifestyle choices. While no confirmed prevention strategy exists just yet, the research is promising. Current research indicates that a combination of diet, exercise, and mental stimulation can be effective in preventing Alzheimer’s. To best tend to the needs of your mind and body, here are some preventative strategies you can implement to support your health today.

1. Exercise

Whether you are walking your dog, playing a game of tennis, or practicing yoga, exercise has been shown to be a beneficial risk reduction strategy. A good workout activates the muscles, stimulates the cardiovascular system, and supports blood and oxygen flow directly to the brain. Because many individuals with Alzheimer’s are also diagnosed with vascular disease, exercise appears to be a powerful method of prevention.

2. Diet

Support your overall health. In combination with exercise, research indicates a healthy diet can also be effective in Alzheimer’s prevention. Eat heart-healthy foods including vegetables, fruits, fish, and poultry and limit your intake of sugar, sodium, and red meat.

3. Mental Activities

Teach yourself new skills and learn about the topics that interest you in order to stimulate and challenge your mind. Whether you enjoy putting together puzzles, solving crosswords, or reading books, engaging in mental activities could help lower your risk for developing Alzheimer’s.

4. Social Interaction

Stay in touch with your friends, family, and loved ones. Engaging with your community is another way to activate your mind and live in collaboration with the people around you. While there is still more research to be done, initial studies indicate that regular interaction can help strengthen and reinforce connections between nerve cells in the brain.

5. Sleep

Research shows that improving your sleep cycle can be an effective tool in Alzheimer’s prevention. Sleep is a time for your mind and body to relax and repair themselves. A regular sleep cycle can promote your overall wellness and allow your mind and body the time and space they need to heal.

6. Stress Management

Tend to your mental health. It’s important to treat your mind to the same level of care you provide to your body. Stress takes its toll not only on your mental wellbeing but on your physical wellbeing as well. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression or anxiety, talk to your doctor or contact a therapist in your area. There are always people around who are happy to help.

These tips will help you reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s and also live a healthier lifestyle. If you’d like to learn more about Alzheimer’s, visit our website or come visit one of our communities.

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